Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sometimes I think that I'm bigger than the sound!

I could listen to this song 50 times in a row. I think I'm on 12 right now. I've added it to this mix I keep talking about, the end of a relationship and looking back and moving on mix. Maybe I'll be adding to this mix for the next ten years. Maybe I'll rearrange it soon. I gave Westney a version of it. As my mother always says, "We'll see."

I just skipped out on my sorority's chapter to see a free screening of Adventureland. I would totally do it again..............if I knew how many times I'm allowed to miss chapter. It's a little ironic that when I finally have service hours to log, I don't care enough to go. Aren't I always pining for the opposite? Are you actually allowed to use the verb pining when you're not talking about people?

Have you ever watched a movie and felt like you could relate to both the male and female lead? I definitely can in Adventureland. Em reacted every way I wanted her to, every way I could have written her to, every way I would have thought to. She's just one of those characters that you fall for without meaning to. I've been working on my writing lately and it's developing into something much larger than I expected, but I love it. I would be overwhelmed with happiness if anyone ever felt my characters were as relatable and real and adorable and intriguing as Em. Maybe I'm giving the movie more hype than it deserves, but it's more of a feeling than an opinion.

Afterwards I walked into the parking deck at Tate and there was a huge line of cars waiting to get out. I parked around the last curve, closest to the exit, so I was afraid no one would let me out. This one guy finally did and I was so relieved that all I wanted to do was help someone else out. It's the whole See good, Do good, Be good idea. I currently have Only By The Night in my car's CD player and I've been thinking about how you would split up that CD for a mix. But why? I think this might possibly be one of those CDs where the arrangement is good as is.

I make a lot of mixes. For friends, for guys, for guy friends. And I love Kings of Leon, sometimes regretfully. But if someone wanted a mix of their new stuff, I'd just burn them a copy of the CD as is. Revelry is definitely a moving on/looking back song though. That will go on my latest mix. I think I might try Use Somebody and Sex on Fire on a weekend mix. That might work.

I feel like I am going on and on and I keep stringing together things that should be blogged about separately, but i still haven't let myself talk about what's really on my mind. Hmmm, maybe that's what needs its own post.
posted by Songs of Love at 10:35 PM |


At March 28, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Blogger Sarah Loves to Bake said........
I am excited to see Adventureland.

I would love to read some of your writings oneday.

I love Sex on Fire.

Thanks for visiting with me in Athens. Sorry for the million voicemails :) We will have to do this again...but better!

What are your summer plans?

At March 30, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Blogger Songs of Love said........
I miss you.
I love you.
I plan on going back to Johns Creek & frequenting Athens.
I may some day post part of my writings on here.
I promise Athens can be much better, especially if you get here during the day.