So there's this trend that has started, and it reminds me too much of Mad Men to just shut up and watch it progress. Women today do not want to digress, give up, and fold. When I worked in the tragedy of the corporate world, there was no tension, and from where I stood I saw equality. Is equality in leadership positions a regional issue? Or is this current misrepresentation due solely to the culture of our youth?
Personally, I can see how the general public could be looking down on the young female culture. With all the scandal that presently exists for the so called role models of our children and all of the bad publicity Disney stars have been circulating within the past few years, it's not hard to spot the problem. The problem seems to be image - maintaining it, promoting it, keeping it. But if you look closely, it's not male Disney stars getting in trouble with the media and the public. It's females, trying to impress somebody, trying to mature while representing the image that we want our children to grow up to be.
I understand that it's hard to be a strong woman, I do really. But there are better ways. If you can't handle a certain kind of success and the pressures that come with it, then get out of that industry, and find one that is more true to yourself.
I feel like this sudden transformation to a more extreme of Disney stars can be closely related to the culture that then unfolds for women. What style of magazine do women rally together and communicate to each other the most in? Fashion magazines. Don't get me wrong, I love fashion and the culture it holds. Fashion is an art form, but the fashion that graces most women's magazines is not art but tools for success. If you want to be popular you should dress this way, treat your boyfriend like this, be inventive, but don't be original, sell out big, take this quiz to see what kind of stereotype you'll become! And that's just what they sell to teenagers. I won't even start on Cosmo. But we buy them anyways, and we read and we gossip, and we may disagree with half of the magazine, but where else will we get our voices heard?
Especially in this era of change, I thought women would take the initiative as a whole. Put on a new face, be more real, more honest, more true. But instead each morning my classmates put on their leggings and their oversized T-shirts and they call it a style. Screw pants, when you can make others this uncomfortable, who needs shorts! Fashion has very often left little to the imagination, but there are some fads that make even liberals feel a bit prudish. This is one of them.
I can't take you seriously without pants on, how can anyone else? However, I can differentiate between girls who think everyday is a reason to show off and party and girls who don't succumb to the cultural norm when culture is a question of opinion. So how come the guys I know are treating all girls alike? I'm not sure why it's not so clear, but those girls who have brains and use them don't want to be just your housewife.
My roommate has a leadership position in a very prestigious honorable organization on campus. She also loves to bake, when she has time. So as a way to represent herself honestly, she brings baked goods one day to her meeting to share. It's a nice deed, I don't see the big deal. The guy she works under, however, thinks this gives him the right to ask her to bake for each of the meetings. But when I say ask, I really mean imply. Her position of leadership isn't questioned, but whether or not she'll be treated equally seems to rely on how good she is at impressing others.
I do a lot on campus now for some ridiculous reason, so I avoid leadership positions. Why apply for something you can't fully commit yourself to? But I still try to help out and what not to be nice. I'm in love with candy, so of course I end up bringing some to a meeting. I'm not going to be so rude as to not share with someone who asks kindly. But then for the person in charge to ask me to bring food for the next meeting, implying food for everyone, for a meeting that starts at 6:30 pm which is widely thought to be dinner time, is asking a bit much. I'm not your fucking housewife. I'm not your mom. I sure as hell am not your baby.