I had a listening quiz today, yesterday? Thursday. I think I did fairly well on it. I'm excited to do my project for that class. I think I'm going to choose The Temper Trap. I looovvvee them.
What I don't love is a latin test followed by a macroeconomics test, especially after how poorly I did on the last two. Fuck. I think I would have done actually really well on the latin test if this econ one was the next week. I like the Aeneid. I like Virgil. I like having no idea what's happening until we translate it together. Econ however, is just going to be a fucking disaster. We have all these formulas that I don't think will be on the test, but that we still have to know. He gave us a sample test and said it would be a lot like that and I still haven't finished it. Well, I have until 11. Fuccck.
I really like how this song is nothing like a lullaby. I also like how the theme song from All That gets stuck in my head at work. Is there really much more than the intro?