Saturday, January 30, 2010

I barely, by the skin of my bones, got my license today. However, since the new hologram is of your picture, it's not exactly the easiest to replicate. They are mailing me a hard copy in the next 30 days and until then I have a flimsy paper copy. The photo is unfortunate due to the rain, but my Identification Card doesn't expire until 2019 so I will just continue to use it.

I took June down memory lane to where I first learned both how to ride a bike and to drive a car. Strangely the former was much more embarrassing, but that is to be expected from a girl with no real balance. Anyway, I put some Phantom Planet in the stereo and the woo hoo's in Leader were perfect!

Reasons to come home more often now include:
1) Because I can drive!!!!
2) Family dinners that include homemade biscuits, chili, and oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies!!
3) My mom's chili is still much better than mine.
4) Charlotte cuddle time!!!

Besides the fact that I think the phrase "As easy as riding a bike," should die out, the drive was similarly a piece of cake. After you've waited over six months to drive there are two things that come naturally:
1) How to drive a car.
2) No pressing desire to drive above 40 MPH.

So I'm not quite ready for any heavy highway driving. On a more embarrassing note, since my car had been in the garage for the majority of the past six months, no one had driven it anywhere, at least not recently. My dad ran the engine yesterday to double check for me, but didn't take it anywhere. So as my mom and sister watched me back out of the driveway, waving with both pride and insecurity, the steering wheel froze and it was a most unfortunate event for everyone to watch. Thankfully it eased up quickly. Tomorrow June and I will return to Athens!!!

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posted by Songs of Love at 7:53 PM |