Productivity actually seems to be better for me in the real morning, the one where the sun comes out. I spent Tuesday getting a lot of things done but still avoiding cranking anything out. Usually I spend Tuesdays getting chores done, buying groceries, and doing laundry but thanks to the break I'm pretty good on all those things. Sit back and waste a minute or two reading what all I did.
Watched Dance video to cite later in paper.
Met with Western World Lit professor to discuss Labyrinth of Desire, my extra credit reading.
Met with American Lit professor to discuss course project and critical essay.
Started reading Incidents in the Life of a Slave-Girl by Harriet Jacobs.
Gave blood.
Made chicken gorditas for dinner.
Dressed up, kinda, and went to chapter at the Chapel for Inductions.
Celebrated my little being a sister by taking her out to ice cream.
Things left to do:
Dance paper.
Dance PowerPoint.
Finish Incidents in the Life of a Slave-Girl and write scrapbook entries on it.
Meet with professor to discuss the book.
Write Critical Essay.
Write Comparative Essay.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I need more Twizzlers for this.
fun. released a super cute Christams song called Believe in Me and I love it.
Thanks for the memories 'cause they keep us safe and remind me that it's okay to be lonely.
Please believe in me.