Thursday, December 27, 2018
I have a mix a friend made for me in college with a bunch of covers and a few classics.  She included what is listed as a Death Cab for Cutie cover of This Charming Man, but what sounds clearly like The Smiths original.  The CD was scratched from being in my car too long and it couldn't play this one part, so I just turned it off mid song.  But the song won't turn off in my head.  I even listened to it while I was getting ready for bed and it's still there.  It's better than work thoughts creeping in to remind me what needs to be done tomorrow.  It's also a really well written song.  I just want the 80's out of my head.

I had my first family dinner at my house, leftovers that my mother brought over.  She was worried that her glasses would break, so she brought my niece's plastic cups for us to drink from. It wasn't momentous to anyone else, just a meal to nourish us so that we had the strength (sanity) to continue working into the night.

It's finally coming together and I'm just still surprised I guess.  I own it.  With my mortgage. And I will live there as loud or quiet or grassy or clean as I want.  (Though it's usually potting soil, not grass.)  Tomorrow my fence will be a real thing.  If it weren't for the rain coming I would bring Tess over to see it, but once the rain stops my other workers start so for now I'll let her cling to my mother and be a busy body dog.
posted by Songs of Love at 12:33 AM |