Work all around sucked today. There were 8 full timers missing. Kaitlyn & I closed Hot and Cold Deli by ourselves. There is no pin or metal or reward for that. She is, however, a new french fry whiz kid. After pacing Ice cream for a half hour full of dialogue and plot development I was permitted to go back to Cold Deli and write out the outline/beginning for a solid chapter. No fluff needed. FINALLY! It's not like I ever get around to the fluff anyway.
I'm trying to convince Nakeem to do my bidding at the local garage sales. He is resisting without proper payment, but he doesn't like any of the skills I've offered. What good does it do anybody to have domesticated skills that boys are better at?
Truth be told, I don't want to go to Savannah. I want to go home. Alas, home is the hardest place to go.