Monday, July 6, 2009
Even if the rest of my family isn't open minded enough, I at least love Erika Wennerstrom's voice. There's something about it, and her lyrics aren't too bad either. They're actually kinda a blessing.

I've been having really strange dreams this summer, but this vacation took the cake, or rather pie. Sometimes I forget how childlike my dreams can be. Saturday night I trapped myself in the bathroom, not because of any awful migraine, but because it was the only place in the hotel I could be alone and think. I had a mini character revelation, and now I understand more of where my character is coming from, I just don't know how to convey that in the present storyline. Everything is so in the moment with this piece, I just have to be patient and store this idea away in the appropriate binder. I did however come up with two strong character names, names which I hold no real person to, and names that may survive all of the rewriting and editing.

I have an extra half day in Johns Creek tomorrow, and I have to do some business stuff with my dad, but I want to see people. I'm on a strict budget lately so I can't really afford to go out for lunch, but if I wake up early enough maybe I can still see some old friends.
posted by Songs of Love at 12:44 AM |