The bad part of the day was this minor panic attack I had when I realized my low key group would give me the most stress in the spring. They traditionally do a lot of the planning on their own and I do more administrative tasks for the event. Except now they've decided to do Disney in March and they already have a contract they wanted me to review and it is less than 90 days away!
breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, stop panicking, breathe.
I knew the most stressful times would be in October (when I had five meetings in a row) and in December when I had to finalize four contracts for the spring, now five. I finished two, one will most likely push into January, and now two in progress.
I don't ever talk to my friends about this kind of work stuff. Maybe I need to find a meeting planners group to do a cocktail & complaints hour. Sip & Paint & Problem Solve? I can just see myself with the poofy scarf, trying to stay balanced on a stool, sipping back my coke no ice with a straw that won't stay down and discreetly passing around a bag of chewy sprees to get rid of all the greens.
Everything is so diaries entry boring on Libby these days. I haven't read much lately, haven't come across any real inspiring quotes. There were a few really good lines in my book on tape, but I listen to it when I drive and can't write it down. Hoping Practical Magic will inspire me like The Magicians did.
We're supposed to have white noise machines at work but I can hear everything all the time. I ordered a portable sound machine that can generate fan noises, white noise and ocean sounds. As soon as it arrives I am taking it to the office. I wish I had it today. Trying to squelch a possible migraine with this calming mix I made a few years back. It's just making me tired though.
Labels: anxiety, meeting planner, meetings, panic attacks, playlist, work