Wednesday, May 2, 2018
There aren't a lot of people walking the pond today so I have The Features ringing out through my speakers.   It's so peaceful, and warm! I've been making more plans to go to parks with friends, but I wish I had a little pond or park like this closer to me. Although I am very, VERY, grateful to have this option at work. I can't wait to be able to exercise for real, although I'm so nervous about my wrist I would probably still try to wear my brace.

I'm not a huge fan of the Canadian geese. They act like they own the parking lot and the pond and the sidewalks, pretty much all of it. Today they have babies with them though. Six curious, highlighter yellow youngsters. I don't know why but they remind me of my cat Quintus. Maybe it's that look of innocence. They just look so sweet.

It's nice to have these distractions and a place of peace at work.

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posted by Songs of Love at 2:55 PM |