Sunday, December 28, 2008
Hold on to your tongues ladies and gentlemen, my pen is about to write a mouthful.

After a little hiatus, I'm ready to get back to my writings. One of my newest problems, ironic as it feels, is that I can't write anything good in my own house. For starters, I can't find any notebooks. How could I have taken all of mine to Athens? Surely I left something behind.
Then there was the factor that I let the stories come to me and the plots twist and develop with my pen, which left no concrete character development. So I took some time to find my characters.

Back in high school, Leslie made the perfect comment about the All-American Rejects. They were catchy, as all good pop is, but their vocabulary is slightly more evolved than pop music likes to go.
'My mind is just a crutch and I still hope/That you will miss me when I'm gone.' - The Last Song

'Be with me, please I beseech you.' - My Paper Heart

Swing, Swing was my favorite. I found it when I was best friends with Caila and it fit our lifestyle brilliantly. I think it's the keyboard in the beginning that I liked the most. Set on pipe organ it reminded me of Jack and Sally, which was at the center of our bestfriendship. Nowadays I get snippy and bitchy when people revel over The Nightmare Before Christmas and I think its because I will always think of Caila and the beginning of high school and wanting to fit in with all of her friends who gave a different definition to the word 'different' and that summer and the lake.
posted by Songs of Love at 12:01 AM |